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這些作弊指令只能在 singleplayer 模式或服務器管理員使用。
指令@give xxx/xxx/xxx
指令@give 玩家名/物品ID/數量
@give [Name]/[ItemID]/[Quantity] 得到xx物品
@Teleport [Name]/[Location] 傳送門
@Experience [Name]/[Amount] 得到xx經驗
@Vehicle [Name]/[VehicleID] 得到交通工具
@Time [Value] 設置時間
@Reputation [Name]/[Value] 榮譽值
@Night 設置為晚上
@Day 設置為白天
@Storm 下雨下雪
@Airdrop 空投
Singleplayer and Vanilla servers (doesn't have mods/plug-ins) use "@" and "/" to use a command. In multiplayer, only Administrators can use the commands. Cheats in multiplayer servers must be enabled with the Cheats command in the server startup file. In singleplayer however, this can be found a little under the play button.
Servers can either have or not have cheats:
Servers with cheats are servers which administrators can use cheats. This does NOT mean that if you join a server with cheats you're going to be able to use commands such as /give.
Servers without cheats are server in which administrators cannot use cheats.
[Server]Name [text] - Set name for server.
[Server]Port [port] - Set port for server.
[Server]password [text] - Set password for server.
[Server]Maxplayers [amount] - Set max amount of players online.
[Server][Local]Map [mapname] - Set map for server.
[Server][Local]PvP - Allow PvP in server.
[Server][Local]PvE - Allow PvE in server (NO PVP).
[Server][Local]Mode [Easy/normal/hard/gold] - Set mode for server.
[Server][Local]Cycle [Number] - Set time cycle for day/night.
[Server][Local]Day - Set day to Dawn.
[Server][Local]Night - Set day to Dusk.
[Server]Investigate [playername or ID] - Gives information of Player, Console visible only.
[Server]Kick [playername or ID]/Reason - Kicks player with reason if one entered.
[Server]Ban [Name or ID]/Reason/Duration - Bans player. In seconds.
[Server]Unban [playername or ID] - Unbans player.
[Server]Bans - Shows banned players in Console.
[Server]Admin [SteamID / Player] - Gives admin priviledge to Player selected.
[Server]Unadmin [SteamID / Player] - Revokes admin priviledge to Player selected.
[Server]Admins - Shows Admin players in console.
[Server]Permit [SteamID / player] - Whitelists Selected Player.
[Server]Unpermit [SteamID] - Removes player from Whitelist.
[Server]Permits - Shows whitelisted players in console.
[Server][Local]Experience [playername or SteamID]/Amount - Gives experience to player.
[Server]Players - Shows list for current players.
[Server]Say [text] - Says text in chat in-game as SERVER.
[Server]Welcome [Text] - Put welcome Message when joining in.
[Server][Local]Slay [Steam ID / Player] - Kills + PermaBans player.
[Server][Local]Give [playername or ID]/ItemID/Amount - Gives item(s) to player.
[Server][Local]Vehicle [Player name or ID]/VehicleID - Spawns a vehicle in front of player.
[Server]Zombie [player name or ID]/Amount-

  • 網絡測試命令大全

  • 網絡測試命令

  • 常用網絡測試命令

  • 網絡測試常用命令

  • grads基本命令
